Is Bon Jovi a transcendentalist?

The song by Bon Jovi that gave me the impression of transcendentalism was “It’s My Life“. Not only is it catchy, along with all of his other music, but it also has a strong connection to transcendentalism. In the beginning of the song, the lyrics state, “I ain’t gonna be just a face in the crowd, you’re gonna hear my voice when I shout it out loud.” This is a clear example of individualism, and being true to who you are. In this day in society, it is easy to lose who you are and who you want to be. Bon Jovi understands the idea of wanting to stand out and following one’s own rules. He wanted to be remembered for doing something great, and being true to his intuition. These ideals can be recognized in the chorus as well, when he sings, “Like Frankie said I did it my way, I just wanna live while I’m alive. It’s my life.”.  This reiterates the fact that he is his own person, and he does not conform to society. He is an individual and will not go un-noticed. This is his life and he is not going to let anyone or anything tell him how to live it. When one listens to this iconic rock single, they feel a sense of empowerment, as if they are able to lash out against the simple ways of every day life.

One thought on “Is Bon Jovi a transcendentalist?

  1. I like how you connected transcendentalism to Bon Jovi. Since he is one of my mom’s favorite singers, I basically grew up listening to his music. I really like his song, “Livin’ On a Prayer”, and I think that somehow it also has ties to Transcendentalism. What do you think?

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